Naming Names

Not too long ago I witnessed a young girl emphasize the power of doing something in someone’s name. The girl wanted to get some of the other children to go and play with her. The other children were too busy to listen. She then said, “Your Mom told me that you had to listen to me.” That got their attention! Now I am pretty sure their Mom had not really said that, but this young lady knew that if she spoke for the Mom, they were supposed to listen! Adding her name added her authority.
   When we pray, we pray in the name of Jesus. When we baptize “in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, we also add the authority of the name to the act we are performing. As a Christian, everything we do should be “in the name of the Lord” (Colossians 3:17) since we are under and are representing the Lord and his authority. Let us never underestimate the power of action done “in His name”.


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