What A Way To Go

What A Way To Go

I'll give you a name, You tell me what killed them

  1. Korah

  2. Swallowed by the earth
    Eaten by wild beasts
    Struck by lighting

  3. Jezebel

  4. Eaten by dogs
    Stabbed in the back
    Thrown from tower

  5. James The Apostle

  6. Crucified
    Sawed in two
    Slain by the sword

  7. Herod

  8. Chopped in half
    Eaten by worms
    Choked on his dinner
    His heart failed him

  9. Jael

  10. Millstone was dropped on him
    His armor bearer stabbed him
    Tent peg thru the head
    Trampled by horse

  11. Absalom

  12. Poisioned
    Shot by archer
    Beheaded by sword
    Stabbed by spears while hanging in a tree

  13. Ahab

  14. Shot by archer
    Stabbed by rival
    Drowned in a river
    Mauled by bears

  15. Haman

  16. Drawn and quartered
    Hoisted on a spear
    Consumed by fire from heaven

  17. Nadab and Abihu

  18. Plague

  19. Abner

  20. Stabbed by Rival
    Killed In battle
    Asleep in bed
    Throat slit by harlot


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