Time Marches On

  How we measure time is a funny thing.  I’m not talking about how “ time flies when we are having fun” or the fact that “a watched pot never boils” but how we answer the simple question, what time is it?

  All you have to do is go thru daylight savings to know that the clock can be kind of arbitrary.  However, that is nothing compared to the way it used to be. In the past, the time was measured by the sun.  Whenever it was overhead it was noon.  That meant most cities had their own time.  That’s why town clocks were predominate, it told everyone the time for that town.  In fact, to stay with the sun, a watch had to be adjusted 1 minute for every 12.5 miles you traveled!

  All that changed with the train. For the first time, we could move faster than the sun.  So in order to get everyone on the same page (or clock), we moved to time zones. Today even that is harrowing since we can fly thru a couple of time zones in a morning.  You can get off a plane earlier than you got on it.

   Time is a difficult thing to keep track of but keeping track of it is important because we have a limited amount of it.

As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away.
Psalms 90:10 

  Our life is a vapor that is passing away.  No matter how we count it, by minutes, miles or moments, they slip away with such ease.  Time is a precious resource that should never be misspent. As we read in Ephesians 5:16,  “making the most of your time, because the days are evil”There are lots of ways to squander the seconds we been given but rather that waste them in worldly ways why don’t we seek spiritual thing by service?

  Time marches on. Are we moving with it or burning our daylight?


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