I am the worst….

  There are many things I am not very good at.  Spellling.  Ignoring a strange attributes for politeness sake. (Yes, that woman has spectacularly hairy arms, but quit staring at them.) Wrapping presents.  Dealing with awkward situations.  Faking your way thru not remembering someone’s name.  Preaching (according to some who would know good preaching if they heard it, but they won’t hear it because they are too busy talking in the foyer to hear it!)  Letting go of criticism.  Pronunciation.  Ending phone conversations.  I could name many more things I am bad at (and you could probably do even better), but I made my point.  However, I can’t really say that I am "the worst" at anything. Dead last, absolutely worst is a singular achievement that no one really wants.  We can admit our shortcomings, but to think of ourselves as the worst is a little too bold.

  But that’s just what Paul does in 1st  Timothy 1:15
“It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all.”
Chief of sinners, first among the wayward, foremost of the wicked, the worst.  Not only does he make that claim but tells us it is a true statement that we all can apply to ourselves.  How can I be the worst sinner?  
  Now I can see Paul saying that about himself. He was arrogant, sure of his own self-righteousness.  He persecuted Christians. Put innocent people to death.  I may be bad but…..
   Then I remember what I know about sin. That the wages of sin, any sin, is death (Romans 6:23). It doesn’t really matter what he did or what I did, it’s still is sin.  That sin keeps me from being with God (Isaiah 59:2). What could be worse than that?
  The reason I need to realize how bad I am, is so I can grasp how much God did for me in sending his son. He didn’t die for one time did something great Barry, or most of the time average Barry, or maybe worth saving Barry, but Barry at his worst, most petty, vilest, hate filled, mean nastiest self.  That’s how much love was show, when I was the worst, he was the best.


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