Win Does Them In

In the 1920s, everyone wanted to play Salem Trade School.  They were a lay-up on your schedule having not one a game for several years. Back in that day, the schools did not organize play but the teams were clubs unto themselves responsible for their activities. Each team would find other schools to play and split the ticket sales, which went to pay for equipment and travel. Since the Salem Trade school would always play at your field, thus giving you the higher share, and were not very good, they were a popular pick.

  There was a reason they never played a home game, however. There was no Salem Trade School. The players were not students. It was a ruse cooked up by a man named Harold Burges to make money. He got some adults to pose as students and told them to keep it respectable but to let the other team win. The way the scheme was discovered is they accidentally scored late and the other team couldn’t thus giving them their first win. Reporters eager to write about the sad sack team that finally won a game discovered that the Salem Trade School was completely fictional.

 The funny thing is that even after it was discovered they still played games for another year.  I guess for some a win is a win.

  The hardest lie to overcome is the one that gives you everything you want. Satan, the father of lies, loves to tell those types. He says that false doctrine will get you to heaven, that your sins are acceptable, that your attitude is permissible, and that your inaction is fine. And we listen because it is easy and gets us what we think we want.

  But in the end, it is a lie. And whatever we gain in the short term is corrupted and empty.  We don’t win  anything; we end up losing it all.

 Don’t buy the easy lie. It is not worth it. God will tell you the truth even if it’s telling you that you are not as great as you think you are.  It may not be what we like but it will be what we need. Lies don’t last truth does

Truthful lips will be established forever, But a lying tongue is only for a moment.

Proverbs 12:19


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