When You’re Up You’re Up & When You’re Down You’re Down


  In Matthew 16:16, Peter makes one of the greatest statements one can ever make. Jesus's response to praise him. “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” Jesus gives him the name Peter which means Rock. He places on him the keys to the kingdom and announces the authority that his good confession bestows.

  All and all a pretty high point for him.

   Yet just a few moments later in verse 22, He makes one of the dumbest statement he’d ever make. Jesus' response is to rebuke him. "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's." Jesus then lectures him and the other disciples on what it takes to be his follower.

  All and all, not a very good follow up for him.

  It is sometimes like that for us in our spiritual walk. The highs and lows are a lot closer together than they seem like they should be. We can go from really with it to really not in a flash.


  A couple of things I’ve gleaned from this passage. In both his up and down Peter is trying to revere Jesus. Yet when he does it in his own interest rather than God’s it gets him in trouble.

  Also, in both cases, Jesus doesn’t change his love for Peter. Whether Peter is on the right track or out in left field, Jesus' desire for him is to protect and save him.  He’s helping him by both giving him a pat on the back or a pat on the backside whatever the need may be.

  Life is often a series of successes and failures. We get it right and we get it wrong. No matter the situation, God is there helping us either way. The key is to grow from both.  Keeping our focus on his will. Not letting our mistakes keep us down or our success keep us from moving forward.


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