Give Me A Break


  There is a lot in this old world to be down about. Too many people have let us down. Things we thought were stable as the rising sun are now a flighty as the breeze. It can wear you out.


  Let's consider a passage in scripture. In the little book of Philemon, Paul is writing to Philemon about a difficult situation. But what I want to focus on is what he says to him in the first few verses:

For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.

Philemon 1:7 


  Paul speaks of the joy and comfort that he has because of the love Philemon has shown to him and all the brethren. Then he used an interesting phrase, “been refreshed though you”. What does it mean?


  The world refreshing is translated in other places a rest or ease. It denotes the idea of something been made easy enough you can relax and take a load off. That what Philemon did for others. He made their life easier.


  Don’t we need that today in the church?


  People who help cause things to be easier. Who take difficult things and make them easy. People who give you a break rather than adding more stress to the task.

  Later Paul would close by asking Philemon to “refresh my heart in Christ”. Instead of making a difficult situation hard, Paul is asking this brother to make things easier for everyone involved.

  It’s some good advice for us as well.


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