What's The Weather Bible Quiz?

What's The Weather?

See if you can weather thru this Bibe quiz...
  1. According to Jesus, a south wind blowing caused people to think what?

  2. A shower is coming
    It will be a hot day
    A buildup of clouds
    Six more weeks of winter

  3. How long did the drought Elijah prayed about last?

  4. Seven years
    Forty days and nights
    A year and a day
    Three years and six months

  5. Who went down and killed a lion inside a pit on a snowy day?

  6. Benaiah

  7. How big were the hailstones that came when the seventh bowl was poured out in Revelation?

  8. Pea sized
    As big as your hand
    A hundred pounds
    As large as a whale

  9. Where was Jesus before he calmed the storm on the lake?

  10. Walking on the water
    In the stern of the boat
    At the oars
    In the cabin

  11. What was the name of the wind that blew Paul's ship off course to eventual shipwreck?

  12. A Blistering
    La Nina

  13. What weather event did Samuel call forth to show the Israelites they were wrong to ask for a king?

  14. Thunder and rain
    A blizzard
    A whirlwind

  15. What did Jesus compare the fall of Satan to?

  16. Rain

  17. Where did Elihu say ice is made in the book of Job?

  18. From the breath of God
    From the depth of the earth
    From stars
    In the blackness of night

  19. What judge used dew to test God?

  20. Deborah


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