It’s A Brand New Day

   It is one of the most depressing books in the Bible. It's very name, Lamentations, means the passionate expression of grief or sorrow.  It is a book about when the worst happens, when the unthinkable happens. It tells of a time when everything lies in ruins, families are split apart; all the things that matter most are totally destroyed. When the carnage and grief are so great there seems nothing left to do but weep. It is a time when it seems all hope is lost.

  So it is ironic that in its pages we have one of the most positive, uplifting expressions of hope in the Bible. In Lamentations 3:21-23 we read, 

This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
   Even in the worst of time, when it feels and looks like God has left his people, and it seems He has had enough of them and their sin, the prophet remember something very important about God.
  He is a God of second chances.

  Just like the sun rises again each day giving each of us a new start, God’s love and mercy are always there willing to let us start over. There will always be a new start with God. No matter how messed up your life becomes, no matter how badly things seem, God can get you back to square one. A new start. A chance to move forward. A brand new day.


  Hope, like love it is one of those ridiculously disproportionate words that by all rights should be a lot longer. Nothing so small should mean so much.

  Don’t think that “I’ve gone too far and he won't take me back”. Don’t believe that you can't rebuild with what’s left. As long as you are willing to come back, he will be there to run to you, embrace you and welcome you home.  When everything else has failed you he won’t. He can get you back to where you need to be going. 
He gives us Hope.


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