You Can't Take It With You And Really Why Would You Want To?

There is an old joke about a man who was determined to take it all with him. So before his death, he converted his entire estate to gold and found a contraption that would transport it all with him to the afterlife. Somehow he arrived at the pearly gates trying to drag in his suitcase full of gold. The angel at the gates stopped him since he had never seen someone with luggage. After some thought and investigation, he let the man pass.  His entrance caused quite a stir, so his higher ups called the angel up to see why he had let the man in.  He responded; "Well, I didn’t think it would be such a big deal, if he wants to haul around a suitcase full of road pavement, who was I to stop him.

  You know, earthly wealth will be absolutely meaningless in the life to come.  Proverbs 11:4 tells us:  
Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death.” 

  No matter how much treasure we amass it's not going to be as important as righteous actions.  Spend your money here where it will do good. Don’t take your money to heaven, take the good you did with your money.


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