What Problem Do We Solve

It seems today that our world has many moral problems that Christians are concerned about. Imagine the church could band together to solve those problems. For example, abortion is a moral plague on our country. Millions of innocent children have been killed in the name of convenience. So imagine that the church would focus all its energy and effort on eliminating this heinous practice. Imagine that it was completely successful. Would our world improve? Of course. Would it mean the world would go to heaven? No. There are many things we could focus on that would make our world a better place. Eliminating the drug problem, protecting the sanctity of marriage, restoring moral practices would all be wonderful improvements to our world, but they wouldn’t save anyone. If we focus ourselves into evangelizing the world, we could save souls, but the other effect of our efforts would be that these problems would also disappear. As we make disciples, the moral problems would disappear as people submit to the will of God. If we want to make the world a better place, we need to make the world true Christians.


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