I Never Lie Except When I Do...

The Associated Press attempted to do a poll to see how Americans viewed lying. Researchers however had a difficult time getting results because those polled could not give a straight answer. For example, 40 percent said they "never" lied, but in the next question, about 10 percent of that 40 percent said they might even have lied just within the previous week. More than half said lying was "never" justified, but two-thirds then said lying is OK sometimes. [Tampa Tribune-AP, 7-11-06] It seems that Americans may not be liars; we just can’t tell the truth very well.
            Lying is a habit that many have embraced with regarding the source of where all lies come from. Whether it is the big fat lies or the little white lies, they all have one father. Jesus said in John 8:44  "You are of your father the devil,… does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”  When we lie, whatever the reason, we are associating ourselves with the Devil’s work.  A lie may be convenient, simple and easier but it puts us in some terrible company.


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