But I Did It Last Time!

There have been numerous great inventions and discoveries over the years, but this one takes the cake.  It is Spanish inventor Pep Torres idea for the “Your Turn” washing machine, which he developed to encourage sharing of housework. Users, such as a husband and wife, initially register their fingerprints, and Your Turn will not subsequently operate by the same person's print twice in a row.
 I know it would be welcome in our house by both sides, each thinking they would get the better of the deal. I think it is human nature to think we are doing more than the other person. We know all we do, but rarely see all the things others do. It makes us a bias judge. Isn’t it wonderful that we serve a God that knows all we do. A Father who “sees what is done in secret will reward you.”(Matthew 6:40) Even when we will feel we don’t get credit for our work, God knows and will reward.


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