When You Say What They Say Is What You Do

  The Prohibition of alcohol was the law in 1920, but one candidate wasn’t so sure about it. Democratic nominee James M. Cox wasn’t for the use of alcohol but believed making alcohol illegal only benefited criminals and bootleggers.

  His opponent Warren G. Harding however didn’t respect this distinction. He attacked Cox for being pro-liquor and ridiculed him with the slogan “Cox and Cocktails.” Harding would go on to win the election in a landslide.

 The irony was Harding was the drinker, not Cox. He was known to enjoy stiff drinks in the comfort of the White House.

 In Romans 2:3 Paul writes, “But do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment on those who practice such things and do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God?” Just because a person says the right things does not mean they do the right things. Those who are quick to jump on others are often doing the very things they are ridiculing others for.

 We must be better than that. It is not enough to stand against the darkness we must also stand apart from it. Hypocrisy is a dangerous attitude. Not only does cause us to condemn others it leads us to condemn ourselves.


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