Oh Hear Them

  I wonder at times if I developed reverse speaking in tongues.  Instead of the ability to speak and the person hear me in their native language, it seems when I speak to a person it is as if I am just speaking gibberish.

  Ok, I know it is not really that. It is not my language that is off but people just are not paying attention. If a person is unwilling to listen it does not matter if I am speaking English or Cantonese they will not understand.

  When God wanted to separate people, he confused their language (Genesis 11). When he had a message for the entire world, he made it so everyone heard it in their own language (Acts 2).

"And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born?  …—we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God."

Acts 2:8-11 

  Are we listening to those who are telling us God’s message today? I often hear people criticize preachers that they are not preaching the lessons they should. That may be the case sometimes but I know that often it is not the lack of content but the lack of listening. I have been told you need to preach on such and such and I’ve just recently done a lesson on that very topic.  It is not that it has been said but rather we are not hearing it.

  An open heart is as important to hearing as open ears. The problem isn’t we are speaking two different languages it is we are not listening to the one we are hearing!


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