I am always amused by the oxymoronic phrase ‘known secret’. You will hear it about an actor’s bad behavior or a politician’s indiscrimination. It is as if the truth is out there but the collective all agrees to keep it under wraps. Maybe people are scared to tell or think it does no good, but it seems eventually the story breaks and the ‘known secret’ becomes truly known.
It is not just in the papers it happens, we do
it in our lives as well. There are things we do but we just pretend we don’t.
We figure it is just better to ignore than to deal. A problem buried is a problem
However, the Bible tells us something
“For God will bring every act to judgment,
everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” Ecclesiastes
"But there is nothing covered up that will not
be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Luke 12:2
“on the day when, according to my gospel, God will
judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.” Romans 2:16
Do not think your secret
will save you. Judgment will bring every act every motive every thought to
light(1st Corinthians 4:5) We may have a lot of people in the dark
but we will never have God. Denial will not be a defense.
Don’t think you will surprise
God when you confess your sin, he already knows it.
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