The old adage was ‘seeing
is believing’ but photoshop and deepfakes, seeing isn’t all that accurate
anymore. It’s easy to get fooled by fake news and internet hoaxes yet that isn’t
the biggest deception we face.
Take care, brethren, that there not
be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living
God. But encourage one another day after
day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will
be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Hebrews 3:12-13
Here the Hebrew writer warns us about the deceitfulness
of sin. Sin fools us into not seeing what is right in front of us. It always explains
itself away, hides behind false motives, and covers over its shortcomings. Al
the while it corroding our hearts taking us away from God.
So how can we see
thru the lies?
With one another. With
encouragement. With a daily dose of accountability from other brethren. That is
why God didn’t make Christianity a solo endeavor. It too easy to fool
ourselves. We need others there to help us see what we may miss. Satan wants to
hold us at a particular angle so we can’t see what is going on in the background.
That’s why being with other saints is so
vital. ‘We’ can see what ‘I’ can’t.
Sin makes it hard to
see it there. Fellowship with the faithful can open our eyes back up.
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