Everyone has that place that is special to them. It might be your childhood bedroom. It could be your college dorm or that first tiny apartment you shared with your new spouse. Places that are special not because of their amenities but because of the memories that occurred there.
For the disciples,
it had to be the upper room. The place they shared the last supper and first
communion with their Lord. It was probably the place where they were when they
heard about his appearance to others and where Jesus showed them his nail-scarred
hands and the wound in his side. It could also be the same place where they
cast lots to choose Matthias to part of their number. It also might be the room
where the Holy Spirt came upon them with tongues of fire and went out of to
preach the Gospel.
I say might and
probability because the text never gives us a definite statement that was the
same place all these events take place thought it a good educated guess. I
wonder if that is so it wouldn’t become a shrine? What we see in the church
that is created during this time, it isn’t limited by geography. No place is
sacred. The Jews had the temple and Jerusalem to worship but under this New Convent,
worship would not be at a location but in the heart and mind of the worshipers
( John 4:21-23). It didn’t matter where the church gathered, where ever it was
that place was the church.
I'm glad we have a stable
location to meet in. It's wonderful to have facilities for our use. But let’s
never forget that those places are not sacred. Christ’s church isn’t a place
but a people. It’s an assembly, not an auditorium. Joining with the saints isn’t just being at a location,
but being part of the body.
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