Content or Complacent

  Contentment is very much a biblical concept. Contentment comes from the right spiritual mindset and trust in God and his control. (Philippians 4:12-13). It is the idea of being happy with what you have. Contentment keeps us out of the temptation of longing for things that will lead us from God (1st Timothy 6:6-10). It is a trait we need to cultivate and admire.


   However, contentment isn’t complacency.


    Complacency is getting to a point and thinking that is all I have to do. It's not finding satisfaction as much as it is being static. It's finding a comfortable rut and staying in it. Complacency longs for something, the status quo, for nothing to change for things to remain in a predictable easy pattern at will require little effort out of us.


   While contentment is the secret of happiness, complacency is the recipe for failure.


 You see complacency ignores the fact that change will come. It expects everything to stay the same. That why complacency longs for the past because it is knowable and sure. The problem is we can’t move back to the past only forward to the future.


  Contentment realizes that the world turns on a dime. It understands that things may change but God doesn’t. So no matter how life ebbs and flows contentment will still be possible.


 Great businesses fail because of complacency. Great people fall because of it as well. We can’t just find a point in a spiritual journey and stop we must move forward sure in the knowledge that God will help us no matter what the future holds.



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