The Work You Do Now

  The preacher gets a different view of the church on Sunday mornings. The crowd’s looking at you but you get to see the crowd. On occasion, you see a mother struggling to try to corral little ones. You can almost see in her face the thought “What am I even trying to do here?”

  Let me tell you a story.

  In college, I worked at a little mom and pop lunch counter. We’d also do catering. We didn’t have a large crew so my boss always pushed us to do lots of prep work before the crowds came at mealtime. Bring up the stock, make the tea, cut up the veggies, move everything you might to your station beforehand. Why? She said, “Work harder now so you don’t have to work so hard when it gets even more hectic.”

  Any parent that has sat through a sermon and couldn’t tell you anything that was said, might be tempted to think it isn’t worth it to be at the assembly. But the work you do now makes the work less when it gets even more hectic. That early training might be hard now but it will be very beneficial down the line.  

 Remember, those kids won’t be little for so long. They get bigger and so do the problems and issues. The ones that have been trained and shaped by the influence of the church will be much better able to handle the temptations and trials that are to come. Kids are “prepped” in those early days to make the right choices when the pressure is on.

   Those difficult days ahead will be easier because of the time that you put in earlier.

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


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