The Demotic Gospel

   I recently learned a new word -“demotic”.  It means “denoting or relating to the kind of language used by ordinary people; popular or colloquial”. I heard it use in reference to an idea about language and grammar. Specifically how some believe that a native speaker of a language can never use a word wrongly if that usage is accepted. In other words that as long a word is demotic, that is popularly accepted, then it is right.

  As a person that can butcher the English language, I think that ain’t a bad idea. I literally put me on cloud nine and I could care less if you don’t like it

  It seems some think the same principle applies to the scripture. A demotic Gospel. One where doctrine is determined by the masses, not God. If everyone says the way to heaven is by the sinner’s prayer, even if that prayer is not found in the New Testament, its fine. If society changes its mind and says divorce for any reason, sexual relations outside of marriage or homosexuality is acceptable, that it is. The only standard is if people accept it or do it.

 However, that is a different gospel than the one that Jesus brought. If we change the Gospel it then we l don’t have it (Galatian 1:7-8). The world may think it works, but God doesn’t.
 In reality, the demotic Gospel is really a demonic one.

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
1st Timothy 4:1 

   The doctrine from the masses is a tool Satan uses to convince people they are really are not in need of God’ good news of salvation. If one can change vice into virtue, who needs a savior? If I can shape righteousness from what is right to what I believe is right, then why do I need a standard? If popularity is paramount, then faithful few are fools.

  Don’t fall for this false doctrine. Jesus warned that the road to hell is wide and popular. Just because everyone doesn’t it doesn’t make it right.


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