Always A Women

Always A Women To Me

  1. Which of these women do we know her name?

  2. Lot's Wife
    Women At The Well
    The mother of James the less
    Widow of Zarephath

  3. What New Testament woman was a seller of purple fabrics?

  4. Dorcus

  5. In Acts 16:1 we are not given the name of Timothy's mother. What do later learn it is?

  6. Lois

  7. How long had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering before she touched Jesus and was healed?

  8. A year
    12 years
    Her whole life
    That morning

  9. How many times had the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well been married?

  10. Twice
    Five times
    Seven times
    She was never married just living with a man

  11. To whom did Jesus say, "Woman, what does that have to do with us"?

  12. A Canaanite woman with a demon-possessed daughter
    A Syrophoenician woman whose child was sick
    The Samaritan women that asked where to worship
    His mother

  13. What was the name of the midwives that refuse to kill the Hebrew babies?

  14. Shiphrah & Puah
    Gomer & Aldela
    Elizabeth & Ortega
    Mary & Martha


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