What's In Hell

What's In Hell

Pick the correct descriptor of Hell...

  1. What animal does Jesus say doesn't die in hell?

  2. Snake

  3. Which of these terms is used by Jesus to describe hell?

  4. Purgatory
    Depths of the Earth
    Outer Darkness
    The Bad Place

  5. Who does Jesus say the eternal fire of hell was prepared for?

  6. The evil of the earth
    For mankind
    He never spoke of it
    The Devil and his angels

  7. Based on a Greek term, how does Peter describe hell in his second letter?

  8. Pits of darkness
    Land of the lost
    Lake of fire
    The dump of humanity

  9. What trait of hell does Jesus use to justify cutting off a hand to keep from sin?

  10. Unquenchable fire
    Separation from family
    Complete loneliness
    Unusual punishment

  11. Which of these is NOT used by Jesus to describe hell?

  12. Place of weeping and gnashing of teeth
    Eternal punishment
    Furnace of fire
    An unconscious existence

  13. According to Jesus, what is between the place of torment and paradise?

  14. A legion of angels
    A wall
    A great chasm
    An endless sea

  15. According to Jesus, where will most people spend eternity?

  16. In non-existance

  17. In Revelation, hell is described as a lake that burns with what?

  18. Hot acid
    Fire and brimstone
    Tar and pitch
    The wrath of God

  19. What Old Testament events does Jude say is an example of the punishment of eternal fire?

  20. Fiery Furnace
    Burning of Jerusalem
    Plague of fiery hailstones
    Sodom and Gomorra


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