You remember in school when they taught you about the states of matter. How water can exist as solid, a liquid or a gas. It’s still water but has very different properties and behaves in very different ways depending on the state it is in. I guess it is a lot like religion in that way.
Some religious are liquid. They are very fluid. They move accordingly when the world tilts right or left. While they have a form of substance, but that substance is shaped by whatever surrounds it. They conform to the world. (Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 2:23)
Some religious are gas like. They are just a lot of air. They can only be felt and contain nothing solid. They drift from here to there, and unless you’re paying close attention, you would never even notice that they are there. On occasion, the air gets really hot but that is something else entirely. (Ephesians 4:14, 5:6)
Then some religion is solid. It stands on its own. It has something to it, an order, and a purpose. That solidity makes it useful and real. It gets noticed and has an effect on the word around it and stands up to conforming influence (2nd Timothy 2:19, James 1:27)
For science, all states are good and necessary, but for religion only one stands true. Do we want our religion to be practically nonexistent? Do we want it to be without any support? A solid religion is made with solid foundation, built on the chief cornerstone of Christ and his teaching (Ephesians 2:20). Religions that melt under pressure , or have no substance won’t hold together very long.
It we want our faith to stand solid in need to be in the right state!
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