The Valley of Darkness

The Valley of Darkness

Hope this doesn't make you down in the dumps

  1. What valley did King Hezekiah have the idols in the temple thrown into?

  2. Kidron valley
    Tyropoeon Valley
    Hinnom Valley
    Deep Valley

  3. What psalm includes the phrase "the valley of the shadow of death'?

  4. Psalm 1
    Psalm 23
    Psalm 52
    Psalm 111

  5. What valley (once used to sacrificed children to Molech) was used by Jesus to describe hell?

  6. Ben-hinnom

  7. What does The valley of Beracah (where Judah was saved under Jehoshaphat) mean?

  8. Valley of Hope
    Valley of Victory
    Valley of Blessings
    Valley of the hidden ranch

  9. The valley of Siddim was full of WHAT, (That the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fell into)?

  10. Deep lakes
    Tar pits
    Covered wells

  11. It what appropriately named valley did Abraham meet Melchizedek?

  12. King's Valley
    Peace Valley
    Priest's Valley
    Hebrew's Valley

  13. What large item did the ten spies find in the valley of Eshcol?

  14. A diamond as big as a man's fist
    Corn as high as an elephant's eye
    A tower that reached the heavens
    A single cluster of grapes

  15. What King was victorious when his enemies said the LORD is a god of the mountains, not the valleys

  16. David

  17. What valley did the prophet Joel say multitudes (as well as the Day of the Lord) were in?

  18. The valley of pain
    The valley of sin
    The valley of confusion
    The valley of decision

  19. Psalm 60 was written about when David struggled with Edom in what valley?

  20. Valley of Salem
    Valley of Salt
    The Divided valley
    The Valley Solo


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