Be A Finder Of Lost Children

Be A Finder of Lost Children

Can you find the right answer?

  1. How long was Jesus lost from his parents at age 12?

  2. Three Hours
    Three Days
    Three Weeks
    Three Months

  3. Of what event was the prophecy of Rachel weeping for her children because they are no more' about?

  4. The stealing of children by Moabites
    The drowning of Israelites babies in the Nile
    The murder of baby boys by Herrod
    The abduction of the young by Babylon

  5. To what did Solomon compare to a ewe that has not lost one of her twin lambs?

  6. The Lord
    His beloved's teeth
    His fathers legacy
    His wealth

  7. In what parable does a father describe his son as "lost and has been found'?

  8. The workers in the vineyard
    The Sower
    The Two Sons
    The Prodigal son

  9. What father was convinced his son had died when his brother presented his cloak covered in blood?

  10. Abraham

  11. What mother was ready to leave her son in the wilderness so she didn't have to see him die?

  12. Hagar
    Lot's Wife

  13. What N.T. writer said he was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth?

  14. Paul

  15. What resulted of Paul and Silas healing a girl with a spirit?

  16. The people tried to worship them
    They were thrown into prison
    She was angry
    They were given a place to stay

  17. How did the magi find the town where the child Jesus was at?

  18. They followed the Star
    They were told by God
    The Chief priest and scribes
    Herrod showed them

  19. What king was hidden for six years so his grandmother would not kill him?

  20. Manasseh


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