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Showing posts from May, 2017

By Any Other Name

By Any Other Name Give me the other name for these famous Biblical people... Paul Saul Stephen Peter John Tabitha Mary Sari Dorcas Remna Naomi Lydia Deborah Esther Mara Jacob  Laban  Hananiah  Israel  Azariah Barsabbas* Justus Joseph Judas All of these Barnabas James Nathaniel Joseph Simon Belteshazzar Cyrus Daniel Abed Jonathan Jehoiakim Ahab Zimri Eliakim Zedekiah Solomon Jedidiah Uzzah Men Tekel Jacob Jacob Israel Abram Laban Judah * Two men in Acts by this name

Are You Bent Out Of Shape?

  Today, more than 11 billion paper clips are sold annually.  However, a recent survey claimed that of every 100,000 sold; only five are actually used to hold papers together. They are being used, just not for their purpose.   I wonder, what is the rate in the church? Lots of folks claim to follow Christ. Many people attend church.  But how many are actually doing what Jesus wanted them to do?  Are we serving our purpose? Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: Romans 12:6   Every Christian is a part of the body and every part has a purpose.  If we are not fulfilling that purpose, the whole suffers.  Some are getting bent out of shape into activities that they are not equipped because others have abandoned their purpose.  Women moving into leadership roles that men have vacated.  Preachers acting as elders since the elders are not active. ...

An Odd Bible Quiz

This is an Odd quiz Can you figure out this odd behavior What prophet was ordered by God to eat food cooked by fire made from his own excrement? Elijah Elisha Ezekiel Edom What prophet tried to get some noted teetotalers to drink? Daniel Hosea Jeremiah Joel What king prophesied for a day and night while naked? Saul David Solomon Amaziah What king lived as an animal for several years? Ahab Belshazar Nebuchadnezzar Herod What king used a witch to make contact with a dead prophet? Darius Beeri Chedorlaomer Saul Which of these was NOT a reason a lion was used by God to kill a person? A prophet refused to punch another prophet in the face A prophet accepted an invitation from another prophet to eat with him A priest refused to give up his cloak Men turned in a man that violated of a decree of a king What king pretended to worship Baal just so he could assemble the prophets of Baal to kill them? Jehu Josiah Jehoikim Joshua Wh...

The Final Judgement Will Not Be Overturned

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you If you decide to answer questions now, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Do you know and understand your rights as I have explained them to you?   I’m sure you heard this all before, hopefully not directly. It has been a staple of every cop shop and movie for the last thirty-five years.  It’s known as the Miranda warning after the court case that established that suspect under arrest must be informed of their right.   The case involved Ernesto Miranda who confessed to kidnapping, rape, and armed robbery. His attorney took the case to the Supreme Court and was able to have the case overturned since he was not informed of his right to remain silent or to an attorney. He didn’t escape justice however. The...

What A Way To Go

What A Way To Go I'll give you a name, You tell me what killed them Korah Swallowed by the earth Stoned Eaten by wild beasts Struck by lighting Jezebel Eaten by dogs Stabbed in the back Thrown from tower Beheaded James The Apostle Crucified Sawed in two Hanged Slain by the sword Herod Chopped in half Eaten by worms Choked on his dinner His heart failed him Jael Millstone was dropped on him His armor bearer stabbed him Tent peg thru the head Trampled by horse Absalom Poisioned Shot by archer Beheaded by sword Stabbed by spears while hanging in a tree Ahab Shot by archer Stabbed by rival Drowned in a river Mauled by bears Haman Drawn and quartered Hanged Hoisted on a spear Consumed by fire from heaven Nadab and Abihu Plague Fire Stoning Exposure Abner Stabbed by Rival Killed In battle Asleep in bed Throat slit by harlot

It’s Not for Everyone

  Not everyone loves Mother’s Day.  For some, it’s a painful reminder of the mother than is no longer with them.  For others, it’s a reminder that they could never be a mother.  Still, others don’t have a mother that was much of a mother. For those, the celebration is more pain than joy.   But no one hated Mother’s Day more than Anna Jarvis.   Anna didn’t just dislike the feeling it created for her, she hated the commercialization of the holiday.  She saw the cards as a lazy way to get out of writing a letter.  She hated those trying to turn a buck on the forced sentimentality.  She spoke out against Mother Day.  She protested.  She even went as far to attack a vendor selling carnations.  Her efforts drove her to insanity and she was committed to a Santorum, where she would eventually die.  All because she hated Mother’s day   Which is odd since the whole thing was her idea.   Anna Jarvis s...

I Hear Voices

  I often hear voices in worship.  No, I’m not going crazy.  No, it’s not that people are bad at whispering.  It's during the singing.  It’s not, however, the people present. The voices I hear are in my head and some are the voices of people that long since passed.   Let me explain before you think that ‘I’m not crazy’ is a mistake.  When we sing certain songs, I remember back to the church I grew up in. Some of the members there; some of our song leaders.  It might be the twang as they sang about ‘ the blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins’ . Or the passion in a voice when they proclaimed ‘ sing and be happy’ . The voices of people I grew up watching praising the Lord and setting an example that still comes back to me today Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord Ephesians 5:19   Music has a funny effect on memory.  I can’t remember what ...

It's a Bible Quiz Party Time!!

It's a Party Have fun with this bible quiz What women used her daughter's performance at a birthday party to get revenge on a prophet? Herodias Jezebel Deliah Salome What king's party was interrupted by a handwritten message from God? Herod Ahab Zimmri Belshazzar What prophet was forbidden by God from attending any wedding, feast or funerals? Elijah Jeremiah Micah Daniel What event brought about the restoration of the chief cupbearer and the death of the chief baker? Pharaoh's wedding Pharaoh's birthday Pharaoh's anniversary Pharaoh's funeral Why was a man kicked out of the wedding feast in the parable of Jesus? He brought a cow He wasn't invited He wasn't wearing the right clothes He didn't bring a gift What social event does scripture tell us Jesus and his disciples invited to? A baby dedication A bar mitzvah A wedding A crowning of a king What queen had her position taken away since she refused to att...

When Reason Fails You

  The ability to think is quite possibly the greatest gift given to mankind. We are not the fastest, strongest, toughest or most numerous beings of creation but our ability to think means we rule. Reasoning allows us to flourish and succeed. We can figure a way to overcome most obstacles. If we could stay united, there is much we couldn’t do (Genesis 11:6). However, even when we think we have it all figured out doesn’t mean that we are not dead wrong.   In Genesis chapter three, Eve is tempted in the garden to break the one rule that God has given to mankind. Satan is clever and makes his case with a small but profound life, “What God said isn’t true, you won’t die.” Why would Eve believe this snake over her creator?  The answer is she thought about it. When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husb...

An Easy Bible Quiz

An Easy Bible Quiz This one is too easy or is it? Who killed the Goliath the Gittite? David Saul Elhanan Jonathan Who did David think killed Saul? Saul killed himself An Amalekite Jonathan A Philistine archer How many loaves did they start with before Jesus fed the multitude in Matthew 15? Five Seven Nine The Bible Does Not Say Where did the Magi find the child Jesus? A manger A stable At the Inn A house Who brought about a hundred pounds of spice as he carried the body of Jesus to the tomb? Joseph of Arimathea Martha Mary Nicodemus Why were Adam and Eve removed from the garden? They ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil They ate from the tree of life To keep them from eating of the tree of life They were naked Who cut Samson's hair causing him to lose his great strength? Delilah Samson A man His wife How many total Apostles were there? 12 13 14 15 How many total tribes of Israel were there?...