About Time for a Bible Quiz

About Time

See if you have the time for this Bible Quiz

  1. According to James, how long is our life?

  2. Four score and seven years
    A little while
    A span
    An eternity

  3. At what time did the earthquake that broke open the prison Paul and Silas were in occur?

  4. At dawn
    Third watch

  5. At what hour did Jesus cry out with a loud voice, saying, "ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?"

  6. Second

  7. When did Paul quit preaching after Eutychus fell from the window?

  8. Midnight
    That very hour
    After the second watch

  9. At what time did Elijah offer his sacrifice during the showdown at Mt. Carmel?

  10. Before noon
    After noon
    The time of the offering of the evening sacrifice

  11. At what time of day did the Shunammite woman's (a friend of Elijah) son die?

  12. After breakfast
    At supper
    After midnight

  13. At what time of day did Peter preach on Pentecost?

  14. Third hour
    Fifth hour
    Seventh hour
    Eleventh hour

  15. What time of day did Cornelius receive his vision to send for Peter?

  16. Second hour
    Fifth hour
    Ninth hour
    Tenth hour

  17. How many days consideration did Rehoboam take on the offer to lighten the people's load?

  18. 1

  19. How long was the reign of Zimri, the shortest of the kings of Israel?

  20. 7 days
    1 month
    6 months
    2 years


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