John Pemberton was brilliant. You would have to be to earn a medical degree at age nineteen, start up eighteen companies and own a research lab recognized as the best in the state of Georgia. Yet this brilliant chemist is probably most remembered for the one invention he stupidly let slip away. In 1888, John invented a wine drink that he tried to sell as mouthwash. As mouthwashes go it wasn’t all that good but it did taste good, so he began selling it as a drink. He decided to incorporate his soft drink company but after the first year, sales weren’t that good. He sold seventy five dollars’ worth of the stuff that cost him fifty dollars to make. So in order to make some money to pursue other interests, he sold the company to an employee for a mere $2,300. Ten years later, sales were better. Coca Cola, the company he started to sale the drink by the same name was now the number one drink in the country. Short term think...
The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly.