It is a simple truth
that we might miss the significance of; large things are made up of smaller
things. As one author put it;
Drops of ink are shaped into letter, letters are arranged into words, words form sentences
and sentences combine to express thought. Great forests are made of trees that grew
from sapling that started as small seeds. Walls are built from many stones. An ocean is formed by drops of water.
Be they dead stone, living flesh or rolling
sea, all things hold to this truth, large things are made from smaller things
This truth isn’t just
in nature but in our lives as well. Principles determine our choices. Choices
create our actions. Our actions form our behavior. Our behavior defines our character.
Our character established our worth.
What we are and the
value of it comes from the everyday minor insignificant thoughts and actions.
We may think,”Oh that’s no big thing why bother”, but little things have a way of making greater changes
down the line. Like a ship's rudder. Or a spark from a fire. Or a carelessly spoken word.
How we handle the
little things matters. Jesus said:
"He who
is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is
unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.
Luke 16:10
Little things add up to make very large
things. Little sins can damn us as much as
big ones. Little actions can precipitate
earth shattering events. Little things left undone can doom an entire endeavor.
How are we handling
the little things? It might make a very big deal!
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