The Same Old, Same Old

Crazy hypothetical: The Same Old Same Old*

For $1 million dollars, would you wear the exact same outfit every day for the rest of your life? It must be the exact same outfit, (if you put on a jacket it must be on your person at all times**, so it may be too hot in summer not warm enough in winter). You will wear this in all aspects of your life (work, school, church, funerals, weddings, mowing the yard).  You may replace garments as they wear out but they will be the exact same style and color. Any variation will mean you forfeit the money and must pay it back.
Would you do it? Could you do it? How much money would it take till you couldn't say no?

*Crazy Hypothetical is a mental game that gives you a conditional choice that gets you thinking about a subject. I used these for several years as discussion starters in Bible class. This is a great way to talk about change and how we can’t avoid it.
** Point of clarity, If you decide on sweatshirt you can wear it like a sweatshirt or wrap it around you waist or hang it over your shoulder but you can’t hang it over the back of your chair.


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