What? Leftovers!

    There is no doubt that we have become a “throwaway” society.  Between the start of New York City waste collections in 1905 and 2005 there was a tenfold rise in "product waste" (packaging and old products), from 92 to 1,242 pounds per person per year.  We throw away so much more than we used too, even food.  In 2004, a University of Arizona study indicates that forty to fifty percent of all edible food never gets eaten.  Every year $43 billion worth of edible food is estimated to be thrown away.  Products are not even designed to be repaired anymore.  Try to find a TV repair shop; they have gone the way of the dodo.  It’s cheaper and easier for most people to buy a new one than to have it repaired.  We waste because we want for not.  We have cheap products; why not get rid of the old stuff? The new model is out; why mess with the old one?  We have an abundance of food, why eat the leftovers?

    This trend came to my mind, when recently when studying the John 6 and the feeding of the five thousand.  In the text we read about Jesus being able to feed the multitude with a meager amount of portions. Obviously the power of God was the only way the food was able to go so far. This miracle definitely had an effect. It is the only miracle other than the resurrection, that finds its way it all gospel accounts. The people that saw it declared Jesus a prophet and where read to force him into the role of King (John 6:14-15). In all the amazing goings on, there is an interesting statement in verse 12 we might miss.  Jesus tells his disciples, "Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost."  Why?

    Think about it. Jesus had just proved that he didn’t need anything more than one small basket to feed any number of people, why collect twelve?  There is always more that can be found. So what if some is lost!  If God could make food from almost nothing, why save the leftovers?
    Simply I think the answer is Jesus doesn’t want anything to go to waste, nothing to be lost.  Here it is with food but we see in other areas as well. Most folks would be glad to get rid of the wicked tax collector but Jesus saw a useful disciple.  When Jesus talked about losing a coin, or sheep he didn’t count it lose, rather he speaks of searching till it’s found.  Even when he spoke of a broken son, he told of a father ready to repair the relationship.  His mission and purpose on this earth was to keep anything that could still be useful, from being taken to destruction.  He doesn’t want anyone to be lost.

    Ever feel used up, worthless, too old to be of use, broken, beyond repair? Jesus still thinks you have some worth.  Have you been rejected, throw on the trash heap, treated like garbage?  Jesus still sees your value. Anyone that follows him is remade into something new. Jesus doesn’t waste anything, Jesus saves.   


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