Change Gonna Come…

As I began to write this article, I had to for the first time write the date as 2012. It felt very odd. My mind tells me we can’t be that far along. I’m just now getting used to writing 20 instead of 19 and we are 12 years past that change. It is however a basic fact of life, times change.  We may think they shouldn’t, we may try to hold on to the past but this world is an ever changing place.  I think we get a false impression that this world is stable and consistent, but it is not. We cling to certain things, thinking they will last but time will get the best of them as well. In truth there is only one constant that will never change. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Our environment, the way we live, how people travel and work, the ways we behave, how we communicate, our leaders, our buildings, our landscape are all subject to change. Christ isn’t. He is our constant in an inconstant world.


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