“Words of the Preacher: A study of the wisdom of Ecclesiastes”
Sometimes when we see bad behavior in those under our authority, it is easy to dismiss the problem and hope it “fixes itself”. A teacher doesn’t want the disturbance of calling down the student, the employer doesn’t want the drama that comes in correcting the employee, and the parent doesn’t want the hassle of disciplining the child. But the Preacher gives us some important council in Ecclesiastes 8:11. Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil.
When punishment or admonishment is not done in a timely manner, it promotes more wrongdoing. Human beings often equate a lack of response as acceptance. As my daughter has often said after I have not answered her request, “I’ll just take that as a yes”. If nothing immediately happens to us, then we think the action must be valid. It make things more uncomfortable in the short term to put off correction, but it creates a much more difficult and dangerous environment for the future.
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