As I work with young people, I find myself at a lot of school plays. Once during the first act of a play I was at, It was interrupted by someone’s ringing cell phone. I didn’t think too much of it because cell phones are now just a way of life. I know personally how easy it is to forget it is on and have it ring at an embarrassing time. It did however being to bother me, when the man started caring on a conversation right during the middle of the play! He was not trying to whisper or end the conversation quickly, he just kept taking at full volume as If no one else were around. I could not believe how inconsiderate and rude this man was being not only to those around him trying to enjoy the play but also the actors on stage. This incident is a reflection of a common phenomenon in our society. People think only of themselves and their wants and needs.
But before I lash out too harshly at this man, I remember that I am often just as guilty of not putting others before myself. I may not be as bold but I can just as selfish. It can be as simple as not taking them time to greet a person or cutting off a driver because I am too big of a hurry. The busier we get the less time we think we have for others. It is easy to fall in to the trap of selfishness. Let us remember the words of Paul in Philippians 2:3-4 when we find ourselves tempted to think only of own interest. We might not be able to change the world’s behavior but we can work to change our own.
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