I love parody songs. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it is basically when someone rewrites the lyrics of a popular song to some thing really silly. They are just harmless fun to get a laugh. The only problem is once I hear the parody song; the original is ruined for me. As I was driving home a few days ago the old George Jones song “She thinks I still care” was on the radio, but no matter how hard I tried I could not get the chorus of the parody song “She think I steal cars” out of my head. I had probably only heard that parody once but it was still stuck in my head. Just a sample of the parody had warped the original for me.
This is an example of how sometimes even a little bit of wrong can spoil a good thing. So many times we think that we can overcome the little bit of bad that is in so much of the little thing of this world. We justify by saying “A little bit of bad language in the movies OK, I just ignore it” or “I won’t participate in the bad stuff, just the acceptable parts."
The problem with that thinking is that a small amount of sin is still sin. It starts to pollute until it corrupts our entire mind. Paul warned the church in Galatia, “That little yeast works thought the whole batch of dough” to warn them those that were teaching false doctrines. We should head the same warning when we are tempted to bend our Christian standards in order to participate with the world. Even a small amount immorality pollutes our original purity. Don’t let you character be compromised for harmless fun.
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