You Don't Have To Be Einstein...

  All physicists in 1905 knew what light was. Whether from the Sun or an incandescent light bulb, light was a wave. All scientists knew, without doubt, that light originated at a source, spread out evenly and continuously through all the space accessible to it, and propagated from place to place as electromagnetic crests and troughs. In 1905, the wave nature of light was an established, incontrovertible fact. That is until Albert Einstein, in the face of this universally held knowledge, proposed that light was not a continuous wave, but consisted of localized particles. His worked was challenged by the physics establishment as it went against years of experiments and theory. It took two decades until people realized it, but Einstein was right.  After more study scientist began to realize that they had not seen the whole truth about the nature of light. 
  This doesn’t just happen in physics but in religion as well. Many people will have flawed ideas of God’s truth. They may have “evidence” to back it up their ideas. They may even be widely accepted, but they can still be wrong. Much like Apollos in Acts 18:26, they need to learn more accurately God’s word. That is why we have to be constantly looking to the absolute truth of God’s word and not man’s ideas.


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