A woman in Cleveland Heights, Ohio had locked herself out of her car. Even after the police were summoned, they still couldn’t get it open. Then along came Willie Vickers. He told the officer and the lady he had some experience in getting into locked cars and in a few moments time had the car unlocked. This tweaked the officer’s interest, so he ran Willie’s name thru the computer. Turns out his experience came as a wanted fugitive and he was arrested. It seems some knowledge may not be the best to have.
In a world such as ours, it is hard to avoid immorality. No matter how hard we may try, we will be around some unclean things. We need to remember the words of Paul in Romans 16:19, “… I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.” Just because wicked things are around us we don’t need to fall into the mistake of being more than remotely tied to them. Many of the ways of the world will only lead us to trouble and we need to know only enough about them to avoid them.
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