Things Will Get Messy

Proverbs 14:4 gives us some special insight in a unique way. It is says “Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.” Its' message is simple. If you are going to have an ox, it is going to make a mess, but the ox will help you do many good things. The message may be simple but the profound wisdom it in goes far beyond the barn. Many times I hear an idea or work proposed in the church, but before it can even get off the ground, it is stopped by those that can only see the “mess” it will create. We need to balance this with what the idea will be able to do. If the work is productive enough, it may be worth putting up with the “mess” it creates. The wisdom in this proverb tells us to look at both sides of the idea before we dismiss it.


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