Power of a good name
The voters of Sodaville elected Thomas Brady Harrington, 33, mayor in November, notwithstanding his criminal rap sheet showing robbery, eluding a police officer, felon in possession of a gun and other crimes. Most feel his electoral success came due to voters' confusing him with his father, a respected town elder. I’m afraid that good name won’t be of much value after the son gets thought with it.
In, 1 Peter 4:16 we are told, “but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. I wonder if sometimes Christ is the one that should be ashamed we carry his name. When we fight, complain, and bicker, when we cheat and lie and steal, when we gossip, scheme and degrade, do we not sully the good name given to us as followers of Christ? Let us seek to live up the name we have been given.
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