Picking A Fight

A 22-year-old man was arrested in Kitsap, Wash., after tossing a barrage of rocks at people, leading some to chase him until police intervened. The man explained that he is preparing to enter an Ultimate Fighting Championship contest but had never actually been in a fight and wanted experience at getting beaten up. Judging by his action he should have just asked, I'm sure plenty of people would have obliged. His conduct why rather absurd, isn’t that uncommon. Many people, even when they know certain sinful behavior is dangerous and wrong, are tempted to try it for “experience sake.” Satan often used the “it won’t hurt to try it once” motto to pull many people into web of destruction. Remember the Proverbs 7:23 say about sins seduction, “As a bird hastens to the snare, So he does not know that it will cost him his life.”


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