Anyone that has ever read this column knows that I am a terrible speller. I must have been sick the day they gave out the ability to spell at school because I have always struggled with it. It really bothers me because over the years I have noticed that many people associate spelling with intelligence. Spell too many words wrong and people will assume that you are not very smart. Now I can see the correlation in some regards but I feel I am an intelligent person (Maybe there’s my problem) and I think people will misjudge me on an assumption. People have a tendency to do just that. Something will have a relation but not in every way. For example, a faithful Christian will be faithful in attendance. But a person may be in the building every time the doors are open but still not be living a life outside that is not pleasing to God. We may assume one leads to another but it is not always the case. In judging ourselves we need to base our thinking on what is rather than what we assume to be.
Ok, I know you have seen the image. A lion tamer enters in the cage of the beast and forces it to obey his commands using a whip, a gun and a chair. Now you can see how the whip and gun could come in handy but you might be wondering why a chair would intimidate an animal as powerful as a lion? Clyde Beatty taming a lion with a chair It's not that the lion is afraid of the chair -- it's that the lion is confused by the chair. Cats are single-minded, and the points of the chair's four legs bobbing around confuse the lion enough that it loses its train of thought. Casually put, the chair distracts the lion from wanting to claw the lion tamer's face off. The powerful creature could destroy the chair in moment’s notice but instead it is distracted into submission. It’s not too much different than how Satan controls us today. By the power of God we could overcome anything that he would use to subdue us. We can overcome the evil one (1 st John 2:13-14). ...
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