Most people can remember what they were doing on days that historically significant events happened, i.e. Kennedy Assassination, the OKC bombing, or 9-11. So, what were you doing on January 25th 1995?
You can’t remember what you were doing when the US and Russia almost started a World War 3? Well most folks don’t remember the significance of that day because they never realized what had happened. On that morning, The U.S and Norway test launched a rocket. The U.S had sent the Russians a memo telling them about the launch, but in 1995 the Russian government wasn’t what it used to be and the word never reached the top. So when their radar detected a missile that was behaving much like a nuclear weapon would, the army went into combat mode. The Russian President even went as far as to activate his “nuclear football” and, according to some, was left with less than 5 minutes from cancelling a counter attack. Luckily, the mistake was realized and nothing happened.
There are a lot of lessons we could learn from this incident, but the one that strikes me is how quickly things could have changed in the world and we never realize it. I wonder how many times we are oblivious to truly important things. I see this evidenced in spiritual things often. People often miss important milestones in their falling away because they fail to recognize how significant certain actions can be. When they look up years later and ask, “How did I get here?” they fail to see that the road to apostasy began with one step. It may not have seemed to be a great step at the time, but it is the start of a path they never wanted to be on. We must be careful to watch our lives so we don’t miss out on anything important!
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