Eat This, Not That..... Maybe

Many of us are trying to “eat right”, but it can often be difficult to figure out what is really good for you. Products have all kinds of healthy claims on the label but how do you figure out which ones are really true? Well, that is why the FDA has a website that lists qualified health claims so you can find out for yourself. For an example, do tomatoes help fight cancer? Well this is what they have to say about it, “One study suggests that consuming tomatoes does not reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, but one weaker, more limited study suggests that consuming tomatoes may reduce this risk.” Well that certainly clears everything up! In religion much like our diets, many are also searching for real answers. But in many modern day religions they find half truths and contradictory advice. Their message is as convoluted and vapid as those FDA claims. Jesus was never that way. He spoke as one having authority. (Mark 1:22; Luke 4:32) His commands were clear. (John 8:24, Mark 16:16) He focused on truth not popular sentiments. (Matthew 22:16; John 8:31-32) As his followers, we also stand by the authority of Jesus and preach and teach the clear and true commands of God.


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