It’s that time of year when school starts back and with it extracurricular activities as well. It won’t be long till parents are driving across town to make practices, get to games and attend recitals. It is amazing the schedules many have just to try and keep up with it all. These activities can be great but I am reminded of 1st Timothy 4:8 which says “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” I wonder what a difference it would make in the church and the world if parents spent as much time in spiritual exercise as they do in physical.
Ok, I know you have seen the image. A lion tamer enters in the cage of the beast and forces it to obey his commands using a whip, a gun and a chair. Now you can see how the whip and gun could come in handy but you might be wondering why a chair would intimidate an animal as powerful as a lion? Clyde Beatty taming a lion with a chair It's not that the lion is afraid of the chair -- it's that the lion is confused by the chair. Cats are single-minded, and the points of the chair's four legs bobbing around confuse the lion enough that it loses its train of thought. Casually put, the chair distracts the lion from wanting to claw the lion tamer's face off. The powerful creature could destroy the chair in moment’s notice but instead it is distracted into submission. It’s not too much different than how Satan controls us today. By the power of God we could overcome anything that he would use to subdue us. We can overcome the evil one (1 st John 2:13-14). ...
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