Paul is one of the most significant people in the New Testament. His work, writings, and influence shaped the church. Yet he isn’t without faults. Not just, like all of us, he sinned but even in the decisions he made, sometimes he chose poorly. For example, in Acts 15 Paul and Barnabas are considering a follow-up visit to the places where they previously established churches. Yet when it comes to who will go, they can’t agree. Barnabas wants to take John Mark. Paul doesn’t. Since John Mark quit on them the first time, Paul thinks he will again. Paul’s so adamant he and Barnabas end up going their separate ways. It seems, however, that Paul was wrong about John Mark. Mark goes on to be an important worker in the cause of Christ. Paul himself will later say Mark was “ useful to me for service ” (2 nd Timothy 4:11). Mark made something of himself. However, let’s consider how Paul might have been ‘wrong’, it might not ha...
The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly.