There is an old Russian proverb, “Dwell on the past and you'll lose an eye, forget the past and you'll lose both eyes”. This time of year is one where we do a lot of looking back as we also look forward. Where we have been, where we want to go and why we are where we are. The past is an excellent teacher but can be a burdensome travel companion. We need to learn from it but we can’t stay in it. Sometimes however, we try. ‘Back in the day’ or ‘we used to’ are only good thoughts if they are trying to help us learn what to do now. Getting stuck in the past doesn’t work. That was then not now. Yet in our desire for progress, we would be fools if we don’t consider the failures and successes of what came before. I don’t want to walk backwards but doesn’t mean I’m not shaped as I go forwards by the road that I once trod. The past isn’t a map but more of a compass. It doesn’t show you where to go but more of the directions you need to head. ...
The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly.