I happen to like the clever touchdown dance. Since the National Football league relaxed its rules the last season there have been some pretty entertaining ones. However, there does seem to be too much over celebrating in football in general. The guy that jumps up and struts when he has made a routine tackle. The player that bows up on a hit when his team is down by twenty. The receiver that acts like making a normal first down is the greatest play in the history of football. It seems a bit juvenile. Of course, the rebuke you always hear to these antics is “act like you have been there before”. Only a rookie behaves that way. A true experience professional knows how to behave. Instead of making a fool of yourself, behave like you what you want to be not what you are. Paul uses a similar phrase in Philippians 3:16. “ However, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained ”. In a section where he is encouraging us to tak...
The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly.