In recent years, there has been a shift into a postmodern mindset that disallows any absolute truth. Everything is relative and what is ‘right’ for one person may not be ‘right’ for others. Feeling have as much substance as facts. You may have also noticed how now it seems everything must be argued about. Any statement, any choice is subject to scrutiny to the nth degree. One would think that a more ‘flexible’ world that accepts all points of view equally would be much more tolerant. However, real life doesn’t work that way. Since no one can hold to facts, the currency of debate is about who cares the most. To be on top one must be fully committed to an insane emotional degree. It might not make much sense what you believe but if you believe it enough, it is ‘right’. So the worst thing you can do is to give over to the temptation to even listen to someone else's point of view. Opposition is to be crushed, lest it li...
The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly.