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Showing posts from July, 2014

The Robber that Robbed Himself

  Back in 1887 at a small neighborhood grocery store, a middle-aged gentleman named Emanuel Nenger gave the assistant a $20 note to pay for the turnip greens he was purchasing.  When the assistant placed the note in the cash drawer she noticed that some of the ink from the $20 came off on her hands, which were wet from wrapping the turnip greens.  She'd known Mr. Nenger for years and was shocked. She pondered, "Is this man giving me a counterfeit $20?"   She dismissed the thought immediately and gave him his change, but $20 was a lot of money in those days so she notified the police. Once they verified the note was counterfeit, they procured a search warrant and went to Emanuel Nenger's home where they found in his attic the tools he was using to reproduce the counterfeit bills. They found an artist's easel, paint brushes, and paints which Nenger was using to meticulously paint the counterfeit money. Real Bill Fake Bill painted by Emanuel Nenger ...

Why Does A Lion Tamer Use a Chair?

  Ok, I know you have seen the image. A lion tamer enters in the cage of the beast and forces it to obey his commands using a whip, a gun and a chair. Now you can see how the whip and gun could come in handy but you might be wondering why a chair would intimidate an animal as powerful as a lion? Clyde Beatty taming a lion with a chair   It's not that the lion is afraid of the chair -- it's that the lion is confused by the chair. Cats are single-minded, and the points of the chair's four legs bobbing around confuse the lion enough that it loses its train of thought. Casually put, the chair distracts the lion from wanting to claw the lion tamer's face off. The powerful creature could destroy the chair in moment’s notice but instead it is distracted into submission.  It’s not too much different than how Satan controls us today. By the power of God we could overcome anything that he would use to subdue us. We can overcome the evil one (1 st John 2:13-14). ...

You Wonder Why Mailmen Go Postal

  Initially, there were no or few postal regulations governing packages mailed by parcel post.  So when a Salt Lake City Company wanted to construct a bank in Vernal, Utah, in 1916, they ascertained that the cheapest way to send 40 tons of bricks to the building was by parcel post.  Each brick was individually wrapped and mailed. The postal rules were promptly rewritten.   There will always be those that will in their craftiness come up with ways to skirt the rules.  Those that look for loopholes or create them, thinking they can get away with something.  To combat it, we try to make more rules and regulations but then that makes things worse for everyone and just gives the schemer more ways to do what he was doing from the start.  Simple clear rules are the most difficult to bend or break.   In 2nd Corinthians 11:3-4 we read, “ But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the...

Worst Last Words

  It’s a common practice for criminal that are facing execution to be given a chance to speak their last words. Apparently inmate James Clark didn’t know that. His last statement was, “ Uh, I don't know, Um, I don't know what to say. I don't know. (pauses) I didn't know anybody was there. Howdy .”   It’s sad and pitiful to think that that would be the last thing you say. Most people don’t get a chance to think about their last words. We probably all hope to say something profound with our last breath, but you can only prepare something to say when you see your death coming in advance. What would we say if we did have the chance? A goodbye to love ones? One last piece of advice to those we care about? A prayer to God? A request for forgiveness?   Truth is many will never know what words will be their last, so should we consider every word that we say may just be that.  Not just every word but every action, every thought.  In 1 Peter 4:7  “ The end ...